a group coaching artists’ circle for creative women
We've been sold the idea that we have to put everything else first
that we get to our creative pursuits only after we tend to the needs of those around us,
that we get to play with our creativity only as a reward for showing up in all the other ways first
that engaging with our creativity is the reward for being a good human,
or really, a good girl.
And I’ve noticed that it’s possible to flip that script.
We can answer the call of a muse. We can create first.
We can create everyday.
We can make the things, the art, the systems we long to see in the world.
Of course, there are seasons when we take on bigger caretaking roles. Or life transitions mean we can’t get to our creations as much as we’d like.
And, given those realities, what if the default was our creativity?
What if we started by answering the call?
What if it felt safe to try creating first?
We've been told that we have to do it alone,
That we have to make art quietly, in the dark.
Late at night when the world sleeps
Or early in the morning before anyone realizes they need your attention.
That we can't share our work, or talk about it.
And we certainly can't ask to be paid for this creative work.
The truth is, doing creative work in community can be the most nourishing act.
And women sharing their creative work, sharing the truth that they use their time and energy for creative pursuits, can be a revolutionary act.
The truth is, you are allowed to make art, using your time and energy and resources, even if you are not paid for the work you create.
And you are allowed to be paid for your creative work, even if you love it so much, you would do it for free.
how would it feel to truly believe these ideas?
We've been warned that time for our art, for our most sacred work, has to be stolen,
That creative practice has to fit into the cracks, between all the things we're supposed to do
Our time for creativity is supposed to fit into the cracks between our “shoulds."
It feels like we can't plan on it.
We just have to be ready (with space! and supplies! and a plan!) as soon as there are a few minutes to “steal.”
But what if, actually, you could create every day?
What if you could have a regular creative practice?
What if you could plan on engaging with your creativity more often than just once in a while?
What if that’s actually how we’re supposed to do it?
How would your world feel if you could create more often and more regularly?
How would it feel for everyone around you?
how would it feel in your body if you knew you could
connect to creativity as a daily practice?
It’s easy to believe there’s not a path for us to make good art, that there’s not space for us to make important art.
That our attention will always be split and preoccupied with little details,
that too many things make us cry, and we’ll never be able to focus on making important art.
When really, the art you make from the details of your day is the art that deeply connects you to others.
The art you make inspired by what breaks your heart is the art that has a chance to change the world.
What if you could trust that your attention was pulled to the very things that inspire you to make good art?
To use your voice and your creativity in important ways?
What if you could trust yourself?
you get to be creative.
Join us in:
an artist’s circle for creative women
Bloom is a eight-month artists’ circle for creative women, with mentorship, coaching, and support for your creative practice, in community with other creative humans. In Bloom, we work together to normalize women spending time, space, and energy in creativity.
group coaching
In this time together, Melanie will start by guiding the group through a practice to help us ground in our creativity. The practice might be a writing exercise, a visualization, or we might even get out our calendars and commit to our goals on paper. Then, the space will be open for coaching on any challenges or questions coming up in your creative life.
Bloom includes 15 group coaching sessions that take place on Tuesdays at 4pm EST.
1:1 coaching
During our time together in Bloom, you’ll have a chance to receive coaching in a 1:1 setting so that we can go deeper into what’s coming up for you around your creativity.
Bloom includes 5 1:1 coaching calls:
1 in April, 1 in June, 2 in August, and 1 in November.
creatrix circle
During your time in Bloom, you’ll have access to Creatrix Circle, a creative coworking membership space. We meet three times per month for up to 2 hours. This space is for you to write, create, make, and build together. These virtual creativity circles allow you to feel supported in community while engaging with your creativity.
Creatrix Circle meets on Wednesday at 12pm EST three times a month.
This work is so much more meaningful, and more fun, with co-conspirators. Bloom, at times can feel like a coffee (or tea) date with your most creative sisters, or sitting in the park on a perfect spring (or fall) day with your most supportive friends, or being on a retreat with the most inspiring women you know (with the knowledge that they are inspired by you, too!)
group voxer chat
Use Voxer between sessions for text or voice support. The whole Bloom group will be together in one Voxer thread with Melanie so that you can receive encouragement from your Bloom community between calls.
Voxer is a text, voice note, and walkie-talkie app you can use on your phone or computer.
gentle accountability
I'll hold the vision for you. There are no 5-day challenges or strict deadlines or boot camps in Bloom. Everything is an invitation. We'll offer lots of encouragement along with much curiosity around how you can show up in the way that makes you feel the most nourished and resourced.
the investment
option 1: one-time payment
pay in full and jump right in
option 2: eight monthly payments
pay monthly over the course of the program.
1. What if I can't make it to the group coaching sessions?
These weekly group sessions are where so much of the magic happens in Bloom, so on my end, I make sure the group coaching sessions are recorded and shared privately with the group. That way, if you have to miss a session, you can still benefit from the conversation and keep up with your fellow Bloom members. On your end, I'd encourage you to block off this time on your calendar and to protect that time so you can show up as often as possible. Showing up to group coaching is how you will get the most out of your season in this group.
2. What if I can't make it to Creatrix Circle sessions?
That's ok! I won't be recording Creatrix Circle because I want to keep these coworking sessions sacred for the humans who are showing up. That said, being in the group will make it feel so much more normal to show up for your creativity and even if you can't join the group for Creatrix Circle, you will have what you need to make your own time and space for your creativity, to make it a regular practice in your life. We can even use a 1:1 session to work out how you can make time in your life for creative practice, even if you can’t make it to Creatrix Circle.
3. What if I don't have anything to work on in Creatrix Circle?
You can use Creatrix Circle to journal your thoughts, add to a gratitude list, work on the next great novel, write your memoir, capture family memories, craft your next newsletter, batch social media captions, finish the children's book or screenplay that's been half done in your desk drawer. Maybe you're working in another creative medium - bring your photo editing, easel and brushes, sketchbook and charcoal, embroidery projects, flower arrangements - it's all welcome. If none of that feels right to you, don't worry! We'll work on ways to get ideas flowing, to open up to inspiration, and getting your brilliance down on paper. We'll figure it out!
4. What if it's been a while since I've engaged with my creativity?
This is the perfect place to start! In Bloom, you'll reconnect with your creativity and revisit that part of yourself. I bet you've missed her. Let's bring her back!
5. What if I'm in the middle of a big creative project?
If you are someone who is already spending a lot of time engaged with her creative practice, it might be time jump into 1:1 mentorship for support. That said, if you're feeling stuck with your current project, or looking for a way to connect with other creatives, Bloom might be just the place to start. Book a call and we’ll figure it out together.
6. What if I'm really drawn to this program and I want to join, but I don't think I'm a creative person?
Well, this is where I have to admit that I believe everyone is creative and we'll go from there. I suspect you think you're a creative person, too, but maybe that belief is buried pretty deep. Maybe you're feeling called to this program because you want a little nudge over to your creative side. Or maybe you want to be around people who openly consider themselves artists. Or maybe you've already figured out that dipping a toe or ten into creativity might be a little scary at first and you want to be fully supported while you explore. Come on in! We've got you.
7. What if I can't afford this right now?
I've been there! If this program feels like a financial stretch, or if it feels big and scary to spend money on your relationship to creativity, I encourage you to visit my next seasonal Writing Retreat. I host a few free, virtual creative coworking sessions every season and they’re free! You'll get a sense for what it's like to be in my spaces and be able to make a decision about this investment with more knowledge. I’m also open to flexible payment plans that might feel better to your nervous system. Email me and we can see if there’s something that works for both of us.