Come back to your creative self.

Maybe you’re not feeling like your most creative self lately.

You can’t seem to follow the thread of an idea, your to-do list is messy and overwhelming, and you’re starting to think you hate everyone.

Dear Creative Human:

You don’t hate everyone, your life is not as messy as it feels right now, and all those threads of ideas and projects and thoughts will feel easier to follow once you start creating again.

You need creativity in your life. You know that.

You’ve probably tried a few ways back in, and the pieces don’t seem to be lining up for that to happen.

You decided to do Morning Pages, but it turns out you might not be a morning person. You never know what to write, or whether you should make coffee or get dressed before you start writing. It seemed like it would be such a simple ritual, but it’s not working. 😬

You took out an old set of watercolors. What could be easier? 🤷🏻‍♀️ But you don’t know what to paint or where to start and now your’e convinced that the paint is silently judging you from the corner of the room where you left it.

You signed up for a writing class. You enjoyed the class, you wrote every day, you created a piece of work you loved. Now it’s been a while and you haven’t touched your writing since.

You have lots of ideas, you feel the pull of a creative life, you’re just itching to make something. It’s just…not happening.

None of this means you’re not creative.

It probably just means you’re missing one - or all! - of the four most important things you need to live your creative life.

1) You need to be intentional about the time and space you’re making for your creativity.

You don’t need a lot of time. You don’t need a lot of space. You don’t need a lot of energy.

You are invited to be honest about your capacity around these resources. Maybe you can’t write a book this season, but you can commit to writing a few times a week.

You are invited to say no more often. Maybe it’s time to quit the PTA.

You are invited to set up systems that shore up energy leaks in your life. Please stop writing the same thing on your to-do list every day.

2) You need to grant yourself permission to create.

You don’t need to act on every creative whim, or spend all of your time in a dreamy artist headspace, or run away to a cabin in the woods to paint all day.

You are invited to argue with the voices, internal or external, telling you that creating is silly.

You are invited to question your feelings of guilt around the time you spend creating.

You are invited to name the systems in our culture that devalue the time you spend creating what you find yourself called to create.

You don’t need boot-camp / drill-sargeant type accountability. You don’t need to set goals for the sake of it. You don’t need anyone to be mean to you, especially yourself.

You are invited to spend time regularly with other creative humans.

You are invited to show up to dates with your creative practice.

You are invited to have at least one other human who knows and cares about your creative life.

3) You need a system of gentle accountability around your creative practice.

You’ll get all four inside of Creatrix Club!

What is Creatrix Club?

Creatrix Circle. We meet three times a month for a 2-hour creative coworking session.
Wednesdays at 1pm EST.

Group Calls. We meet twice per quarter for group coaching, conversation, and connection.
Thursday at 1pm.

Sharing Circle. Creatrix Club meets quarterly for members to share their creative work with one another. This is not a formal critique, but a space where folks can become more comfortable letting others witness their art.

Guest Teachers. Quarterly visits from guest teachers who share their unique perspective on the creative process.

Office Hours. Weekly office hours via text or voice messaging in Voxer.

January - December 2024.

Creatrix Club

6-month membership to Creatrix Club, a gentle space for creative humans to connect, create, and share.


Pay in Full

or $135/month

x 6 months

check out the 2024 call schedule here.

If you join Creatrix Club now to start in July, you can come to all summer coworking sessions for free. I’m hosting 45 minute coworking sessions on Mondays and Tuesdays at 11am EST June-August. Come on in and have your most creative summer ever!

Hi! I’m Melanie, the host and facilitator of Creatrix Club! I’m a creativity coach for feminists, sensitive creative types and folks who want to do things differently. I help creative humans navigate the world we live in so that they can create whatever has been tugging on their heart, and so that together, we can build a better world. If you want this kind of support in 2024, join us in Creatrix Club! I would love to welcome you!

Creatrix Club

6-month membership to Creatrix Club, a gentle space for creative humans to connect, create, and share.


Pay in Full

or $135/month

x 6 months