Turn Your Creativity All the Way Up

You are an artist. You are wonderfully creative. You work magic into the details of everything you do.
And you’re a human who struggles to make time for your creative practice. Or when you do make time, it’s tough to get into flow, to turn off the to-do lists, to pull yourself out of doom scrolling and existential dread.
Maybe you’ve even timeblocked writing dates or painting time into your color coded calendar. But the brilliant ideas that pop up when you’re in the shower or stuck in traffic aren’t coming out to play during their assigned time block.

So rude!
Do you know where creativity loves to hang out?

With delighted humans.
I want to set you up to come into contact with things that delight you regularly and frequently. It is so much easier to create, to feel inspiration, and to tap into intuition or flow when you feel lit up.
In this three week series, you’ll build your own unique delight bank of practices that light you up and make you feel most like yourself. Think Julia Cameron’s artist dates, but lighter and more accessible - so you can engage more often, even on low energy or high dysfunction days. And then we’ll use Notion (or google calendar or old school analog tools) to make it easy for those practices to show up in your life.

Creative Wilds Workshop Series

Three weeks to deep dive into one area of support for creative humans.

Delight Practice Mini Syllabus

Week One: Learn why delight is so important to your creative practice, brainstorm and collect a whole bank of ideas that you can turn to when you need or want to feel delighted.

Week Two: Build your delight bank in Notion using Melanie’s Delight Dashboard template, learn how to use the Delight Dashboard as part of a weekly planning practice, schedule regular delight dates with yourself.

Week Three: Learn how to engage with delight when your capacity is low, expand the time, space, and energy available for creative practice, experiment with best practices for incorporating your delight practice into an already existing system of support.

Group Calls
Monday, July 29th @ 12pm EST
Monday, August 5th @ 12pm EST
Monday, August 12th @ 12pm EST

Notion Study Hall
Wednesday, July 31st @ 12pm EST
Wednesday, August 7th @ 12pm EST
Wednesday, July 14th @ 12pm EST


For Creative Humans

who want to tap into creative flow more easily

who want to build a system of support around creative practice

who are finally willing to admit they’re just not going to do The Artist’s Way

who are craving more time and space with their muse

who want creativity to feel generative, and not scarce or forced.

I can’t wait to see what you’re creating!